Perhaps this is unfair but I didn't particularly enjoy my stay. Staff were friendly enough but it didn't seem like a particularly social hostel and there were some inconveniences that weren't great. It was kind of a pain to find and hidden upstairs on the 6th or 7th of a pretty dingy building. The inside was clean and well maintained if a bit plain. Lots of bible quotes all over the place, which I mean do with that what you will, personally felt a bit jarring. There were also rules on basically every wall, more than I've encountered at any other hostel. My private room also didn't have a private bathroom so I had to walk a bit to go to the toilet, not the end of the world but again keep in mind. The city itself wasn't particularly impressive, if you're planning on staying here before or after going to Jiufen, I'd say don't. The property seems catered to Taiwanese more than foreigners, again not a problem, just worth keeping in mind. Not the worst stay, not the best.