A T-shirt I liked mysteriously "disappeared" from my room on the day before my departure.
I was in room 808 and left on Friday June 30. Among my cloths, I had a T-shirt "Hard Rock Cafe - Yohokama" (all black).
On the day before (June 29 am), I decided to wear that on my return trip and left it aside in the room.
Then, on the morning of my departure and after I prep'd my luggage, I realized that I couldn't find the T-shirt anywhere in the room, and spent more than an hour looking for it; without success.
I assumed that I had mistakenly mixed it with my dirty clothes, but I couldn't find it there either.
I verified many assumptions until the only possibility left was that it had "vanished" from the room.
On that same day, I also found the detergent bottle for the WC sitting just beside my toothbrush...