
What you need to know before you go

Latvia has been a crossroads of Europe for centuries, giving it fascinating history and an exciting future. Half of the country is a beautiful natural landscape of forests, lakes and deep river valleys while the other half is made up of vibrant cities, blending World Heritage sites with modern designs. Along the coast, you’ll find famous spa towns and one of the longest sandy beaches in Europe, bordered by shallow seas containing relatively little salt. 

The capital city of Riga is a big highlight of any trip to Latvia. It has a beautiful old town, a vibrant nightlife and some great festivals. Highlights include Riga Castle and St. Peter’s Church, with its stunning views of the old town from the top of its tallest spire. Other places outside of Riga worth checking out include Sigulda, Liepāja and Cesis, which each offer the country’s fantastic combination of history, nature and exciting activities.


次はどこに行きますか ?
  • Riga

    In Riga, walk through the historic cobblestone streets of the city’s Old Town. Here, you can explore the stunning architecture of buildings like the House of Blackheads and the impressive art nouveau buildings along the Alberta iela street before finding a place to dine on traditional Latvian delicacies. Travel further east to the City Centre, and you’ll find a colourful...



話題のスポット & アクティビティ
  • リガでおすすめのアクティビティ ベスト 8

    ラトビアの首都リガは豊かな文化を誇り、若い世代のパワーを感じられる都市。写真映えするアールヌーボー様式の建築物が数多く現存することで知られ、建築マニアには必見のスポットです。市内の通りは、のんびりと自由散策を楽しむのにぴったり。 ユネスコの世界遺産に指定されたリガ旧市街には、賑やかなバーとレストランが集まり、訪れる価値があります。ビーチに行くなら、市内から簡単にアクセスできる場所に美しい海岸が広がっています。



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