ブルガリ ブティック ホテル

Bulgari Boutique Hotel

市内中心に位置するソフィアのホテル、バー / ラウンジあり


ブルガリ ブティック ホテルの写真ギャラリー

ミニバー、セーフティボックス (室内)
ミニバー、セーフティボックス (室内)
バー (施設内)
ブルガリ ブティック ホテルはソフィアでおすすめの宿泊施設です。この宿泊施設からは歩いてすぐ公共交通機関を利用できます。セルディカ駅までは 10 分、地下鉄 ラヴォフ橋駅までは 14 分です。




  • バー
  • ペット歓迎
  • ランドリー設備
  • 冷房
  • 24 時間対応のフロントデスク
  • WiFi (無料)

主な設備 / サービス (6)

  • バー / ラウンジ
  • 24 時間対応フロントデスク
  • 冷房
  • セーフティボックス (フロントデスク)
  • ランドリーサービス
  • ツアー / チケット案内

便利な設備 / サービス (4)

  • ケーブル / 衛星放送
  • エレベーター
  • ミニバー
  • ドライクリーニング / ランドリーサービス



  • 定員 2 名

ダブルルーム (1 名様利用)

  • 定員 1 名

エコノミー ダブルルーム

  • 定員 2 名

スタンダード アパートメント

  • 定員 6 名


  • 定員 2 名


Mod logo
ログインすると、対象となる割引や特典を確認できます。もっとリワードを獲得して、もっと旅を満喫 !


50 Pirotska Str, Sofia, 1000


  • ソフィア中央温泉浴場 - 徒歩 10 分 - 0.9 km
  • ヴィトシャ通り - 徒歩 10 分 - 0.9 km
  • イヴァン ヴァゾフ国立劇場 - 徒歩 17 分 - 1.5 km
  • 国立文化宮殿 - 車で 3 分 - 2.2 km
  • アレクサンドル ネフスキー大聖堂 - 車で 3 分 - 2.0 km


  • ソフィア空港 (SOF) - 車で 23 分 (12.7 km)
  • ソフィア・セヴァリ駅 - 車で 11 分 (4 km)
  • ソフィア中央駅 - 徒歩 19 分 (1.6 km)
  • セルディカ駅 - 徒歩 10 分 (0.8 km)
  • 地下鉄 ラヴォフ橋駅 - 徒歩 14 分 (1.1 km)
  • 中央バスステーション - ソフィア - 徒歩 21 分 (1.7 km)


  • ‪Barila Bar 2 - ‬徒歩 3 分
  • ‪Central Hotel Sofia - ‬徒歩 5 分
  • ‪Кафе-бар "Avenue - ‬徒歩 4 分
  • ‪Sen Viet - ‬徒歩 4 分
  • ‪StandArt - ‬徒歩 6 分


ブルガリ ブティック ホテル

ブルガリ ブティック ホテルはソフィアでおすすめの宿泊施設です。この宿泊施設からは歩いてすぐ公共交通機関を利用できます。セルディカ駅までは 10 分、地下鉄 ラヴォフ橋駅までは 14 分です。



    • 客室 : 12
    • 2 フロア以上


    • ホテルご到着時にはフロントデスクのスタッフがお迎えします


    • クレジットカード、デビットカードまたは現金による付随費用のお支払いが必要です
    • 場合により、政府発行の写真付き身分証明書をご提示いただく必要があります


    • ペットとの宿泊可
    • 介助動物は同伴可


    • 共用エリアの無料 WiFi


    • 敷地内に駐車場なし



  • バー / ラウンジ


  • ショッピング


  • 24 時間対応フロントデスク
  • ツアー / チケット案内
  • ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス


  • セーフティボックス (フロントデスク)


  • エレベーター



  • テレビ
  • 衛星放送


  • 冷房
  • ミニバー


  • 電話


  • セーフティボックス (室内)

手数料 & ポリシー


宿泊施設にて、チェックインまたはチェックアウト時に次の追加料金をお支払いいただきます。料金には税金が含まれる場合があります :
  • 1 名あたり、1 泊につき 2.00 BGNの市税が徴収されます。


  • 空港シャトルバス サービスは、1 室あたり 35.00 BGNの追加料金 (往復) でご利用いただけます

お子様 & エキストラベッド

  • お子様は空港シャトルバス サービスを 1.00 BGNでご利用いただけます


利用可能なクレジットカード : Visa、American Express、Diners Club


Bulgari Boutique
Bulgari Boutique Hotel
Bulgari Boutique Hotel Sofia
Bulgari Boutique Sofia
Bulgari Boutique Hotel Hotel
Bulgari Boutique Hotel Sofia
Bulgari Boutique Hotel Hotel Sofia


ブルガリ ブティック ホテルはペットと宿泊できますか ?


ブルガリ ブティック ホテルに駐車場はありますか ?

申し訳ございませんが、ブルガリ ブティック ホテルに駐車場はありません。

ブルガリ ブティック ホテルはどのようなエリアにありますか ?

ブルガリ ブティック ホテルはソフィア市内中心部にあり、セルディカ駅から徒歩で 10 分、ソフィア中央市場ホールから徒歩で 8 分ほどです。

Bulgari Boutique Hotelの口コミ











8/10 (とても良い)

家族5人でアパートメントに3泊まりました。 3泊目はダブルブッキングになってしまいましたが、丁寧に対応してくれて 別部屋を同料金で確保してくれました。 初日は、音楽が流れ朝食をお部屋まで持ってきてくれたので ちょっとびっくりしましたが、気に入った点の一つです。 スタッフの方々も丁寧な対応でした。
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Bonne localisation
Tout était presque bien, sauf sans préavis pour changer de place d'hôtel à un autre endroit. Une des 2 lampes de nuit était mal placé, juste devant la porte de la chambre de bain. J'ai heurté et en casser et obliger de payer 5 euros.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

hôtel parfait près du centre
très bien situé près du centre historique, éviter es chambres sur rue à cause du tram. Restaurant typique bulgare juste en face de l'hôtel Personnel accueillant et souriant
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Good stay. Recommended
Overall we had a good stay at the hotel, cheap and great location, close to all the great sights. One bad thing was that the room we had was facing the streets outside. It literally sounded like a bus went right through the room sometimes in the morning, probably a garbage disposal truck. And loud old cheesy 90's hits started playing from a nearby store at like 8 am. Other than that, it was great!
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Little place in Sofia
Cost effective stay in Sofia. Very close to the metro, and if you walk from the centre there is the chance to explore local settings. Other people have started how bad the breakfast is, but to be honest the are so many breakfast places that sell things cheaply and are fresh that there isn't much point hanging around in the hotel. In that way, it is a good place to stay for the night.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Nice hotel, great service
I stayed here for 3 nights and found it to be a good place for exploring the city. The tram runs straight outside the hotel but it is very close to all of the attractions and the main part of the city so I chose to walk rather than take the tram. I had a room without a balcony and it was fine. This is not a luxurious hotel but good for the money. Yes a few parts are a little tired and worn. My friend had a larger room on the top floor with a balcony which was very nice and only about £3 more than my room per night. The staff are especially helpful and Andriana knew a lot about the city and was able to suggest lots if things to do. First class service. I would recommend this hotel.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

God pris
Helt ok hotell. Frokosten var svært enkel og ble levert på rommet. Internett på hotellet og ligger ca 20 min i gangavstand til togstasjonen.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Lovely and well run hotel with very friendly staff
This is an excellent place to stay in Bansko. Just away from the crassness of the new town; just on the edge of the atmospheric old town. Very clean and stylishly decorated. Very large rooms. Best of all though the staff were amazingly friendly and accommodating. Arrived back from an excursion too late for breakfast - not a worry they just got it for us. And when my travelling companion broke his collar bone in a fall the lady of the household (it is truly a family run hotel) dropped everything to take us to hospital and swept us through the somewhat archaic Bulgarian health system. Amazingly cheap price for all of this and a really excellent place to stay! Recommended!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Deux nuits dans l'hotel
Hotel d'arrivée pour un début de voyage. Situé non loin du centre, accueil sympathique, petit déjeuner apporter sur plateau dans la chambre.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Sentralt, men anbefales ikke !
Lite hotell beliggende sentralt ca. 10-15 gange fra sentrum. Fint lokalområde med boliger og mange butikker. Noen få spiseteder.Utrivelig stille og mørkt, når jeg gikk til hotellet på kvelden. Alle butikkene var stengt, og området var folketomt.Likte dårlig å gå så jeg prøvde med taxi neste kveld. Han fant ikke frem til hotellet, så jeg betalte og gikk til hotellet ! Hyggelig betjening, som snakket bra engelsk i resepsjonen. Sparsom frokost som ble servert på rommet. Romdetaljer : Uvanlig lite hotellrom. Jeg hadde bestilt et dobbeltrom for å få bedre plass, men dobbeltsengen var det egentlig ikke plass til. Den fylte omtrent hele rommet. Tv var veldig gammelt, og bildet var så dårlig at det må betegnes som defekt !Det skulle være minibar, men det var bare et tomt, defekt kjøleskap. Jeg antydet at det burde vært fjernet så det ble litt bedre plass til bagasje. Nei, det skulle være der, for det så litt bedre ut.... bevares ! Det var to leselamper over sengen som ikke virket, siden lysbryteren på veggen var defekt ! På motsatt side av rommet var det en naken lyspære som lyst opp rommet - utrivelig. Jeg så ikke tegn til air condition, men det var en varmovn som ble styrt sentralt. Det var for varmt i rommet, så jeg måtte ha vinduet åpent. Det var plagsom støy fra veien utenfor , særlig på grunn av at trikken gikk veldig ofte ! Toalettstolen var helt løs, og kunne velte. Anbefales ikke !
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Zeker waard voor de prijs
We hebben er een week geslapen. Personnel was super vriendelijk en behulpzaam bij alles wat we vroegen. Goede locatie.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Great staff, great location
We had a great time at this hotel. We arrived from an overnight bus, extremely early in the morning, and, the host made us coffee and let us nap in the lobby for an hour while the housekeeper prepared our room. He put our room as highest priority and let us check in 7 hours early. The room was very nice...there was a slight smell of cigarette smoke in the room (but what do you expect in Eastern Europe). The hotel was very conveniently located - 20 minute walk from the bus station and between 5-15 minute walk to almost anything else in the city. There was a maitre d' there 24 hours and, whoever it was, they went above and beyond to make our stay comfortable and fun.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Good Enough
Closest place I could find to the bus/train station and still walk downtown. The blanket was dirty but there were multiple clean ones in the room. The internet was great, the television was in Bulgarian but it had great signal, plenty of hot water in a nice bathroom which was quite clean. Breakfast was prepped quickly and was minimal but I feel it was a typical Bulgarian breakfast with juice was added, the problem was I don't like coffee. Easy to find on a map, near public transport but the staff is a little shy of speaking English.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

interesting enviroment
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Convenient, central
Hotel was small but good, price was excellent. Very clean, very kind staff. Room was big enough and bathroom also big and modern. A little bit unusual to eat the breakfast in the room!
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

un hotel sympa pour une famille
PERSONNES AGREABLES TRES bon début de séjour faire attention aux taxis ils ne sont pas tous réglos et j ai payé cinq fois le prix aéroport hotel
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Solid comfort and value.
Nice hotel on a side street that gets quiet at night....even weekend nights. It's near a pedestrian street for shopping, near a metro for accessing the larger city, and near downtown for walking to most of the sights. Very affordable. The staff was kind and most spoke functional English. The bathrooms have been recently renovated, so that's a nice plus. We slept very well both nights.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

close to center/ bus and rail stations
A very good deal for the price. Close to "Ladies Bazaar."
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Mycket enkelt hotell med små opraktiska rum. Billigt men rätt sunkigt. Suboptimalt städat. Ena sängen hade svarta långa hårstrån i sig vilket var en minst sagt otrevlig överraskning vid sänggående. Frukosten var undermålig. Läget helt ok, ostört och ganska nära stadens sevärdheter. Dock existerar inte det mineralbad som är utpekat på hotels.coms karta. Tror att man kan få bättre valuta för pengarna någon annanstans. En annan irriterande detalj var att vi hade bokat ett dubbelrum med en stor säng men fick ett sk twin room,dvs 2 enkelsängar. Påpekade detta för receptionisten som menade att de inte hade några större sängar.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Plenty of eating places locally.
We stayed at this hotel on two separate occasions and received totally different experiences. The first time we arrived early morning, were given an extremely small and hot room without any instructions on how to operate the air-conditioning but we were just glad to be able to put our heads down. We were awoken not long after by the rumbling of the trams and found it difficult moving around our room getting dressed etc due to the lack of space. The breakfast was adequate and reception phoned for a taxi for us to carry on with our journey. We were in two minds about cancelling our stay for our return journey but decided it was better that we knew what the situation was rather than having to find another hotel somewhere else in this large city. The return stay was completely different and although we were originally shown to a room which hadn't had a bed made up (they have been having problems with the maid!!) we were soon given another large room. From this one we couldn't really hear the trams, it had a nice size en-suite and comfortable bed. Again the breakfast and support from the staff was what one would expect . We may well visit Sofia again in the future but would be unlikely to book this hotel again.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

I was told all rooms have AC as it was hot and my stay was during June. I checked in and after some time noticed the AC is blowing warm air only. When I told the reception, they told me its because the AC has to be recharged as it was not working during the colder months. There were no sheets on the pillows and bed when I checked into the room and there was also hair on the mattress. There is a tram that runs all day in front of the hotel and is very loud, so that did not help with sleep either. I chose this hotel, because it had a good rating, but I would not rate it good based on my standards. I suppose its ok for a cheap hotel if you want privacy and a good central location. It is on a fairly nice street with trees and restaurants, reception is friendly as well. I would not rate this place as good based on American or Western European standards, but I guess you have to keep in mind you are in Bulgaria, and if you want something more comfortable you will have to pay for it as well.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

We would stay again in the same hotel Bulgari Boutique we enjoyed the visit to Sofia and the staff in the Hotel were very friendly
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Near tourist sites
It was my first booking with Expedia. Everything was as we ordered, close to centre of Sofia. A as a couple we would have liked single beds together, after having traveled around Bulgaria for a week But might suit two single people, it was a small room with 2 beds not together, but clean and all right for 3 nights, bathroom very good, the whole hotel looked newly decorated and clean, staff very friendly , helpful, and informative about which way to go for tourist site. We would use it again.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ