
サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフ

South Seas on the Gulf

マルコ アイランドでキッチンとバルコニ-があるビーチフロントのコンドミニアム


サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフの写真ギャラリー

屋外プール、プール パラソル、サンラウンジャー
マルコ アイランドでおすすめのこのコンドミニアムには、マリーナがあります。屋外プールのほか、フィットネスセンターをご利用いただけます。この宿泊施設では、キッチン、バルコニー、冷蔵庫をご利用いただけます。




ベッドルーム 2 室バスルーム 1 室定員 7 名


  • ランドリー設備
  • ジム
  • ラウンジエリア
  • 冷房
  • 冷蔵庫
  • キッチン

主な設備 / サービス (6)

  • マリーナ
  • ビーチ
  • 屋外プール
  • フィットネスセンター
  • 冷房
  • セルフサービスのランドリー

便利な設備 / サービス (6)

  • 2 室のベッドルーム
  • キッチン
  • 2 室のバスルーム
  • 独立した応接スペース
  • テレビ
  • ランドリー設備


2 ベッドルーム コンドミニアム - ウィークリー レンタル


  • ベッドルーム 2 室
  • バスルーム 1 室
  • 定員 7 名


Mod logo
ログインすると、対象となる割引や特典を確認できます。もっとリワードを獲得して、もっと旅を満喫 !


380-440 Seaview Court, Marco Island, FL, 34145


  • マルコビーチ - 徒歩 16 分 - 1.3 km
  • Marco Island Ski & Watersports - 車で 3 分 - 1.9 km
  • サウス マルコ ビーチ - 車で 3 分 - 1.7 km
  • タイガーテイル ビーチ - 車で 4 分 - 2.4 km
  • ハイダウェイ ビーチ - 車で 8 分 - 4.0 km


  • サウスウェスト フロリダ国際空港 (RSW) - 車で 57 分 (75.5 km)


  • ‪Sweet Annie's of Marco - ‬車で 3 分
  • ‪McDonald's - ‬車で 3 分
  • ‪Joey D's Italian Restaurant - ‬車で 3 分
  • ‪Korals Sushi & Cocktail Lobby - ‬車で 3 分
  • ‪Doreen's Cup of Joe - ‬徒歩 6 分




サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフ

マルコ アイランドでおすすめのこのコンドミニアムには、マリーナがあります。屋外プールのほか、フィットネスセンターをご利用いただけます。この宿泊施設では、キッチン、バルコニー、冷蔵庫をご利用いただけます。





    • コンドミニアム : 1
    • 18 フロア以上

チェックイン / チェックアウト

    • チェックイン開始 : 15:00
    • チェックアウト時刻 : 10:00
    • レイトチェックアウト (空室状況による)


    • チェックインは、施設とは異なる場所 (Horizons Rentals-661) でお手続きください
    • チェックインの手順については宿泊施設へお問い合わせください
    • 48 時間前までに施設にご連絡の上、チェックインをご手配ください。連絡先は予約確認通知に記載されています


    • 現金による付随費用のお支払いが必要です
    • 場合により、政府発行の写真付き身分証明書をご提示いただく必要があります


    • 幼児用ベッドなし


    • ペットの同伴不可


    • 共用エリアの無料 WiFi
    • 室内での無料 WiFi


    • 全館禁煙



  • ビーチの目の前

プール / スパ

  • 屋外プール
  • パラソル
  • サンラウンジャー


  • 無料 WiFi


  • 冷蔵庫
  • コンロ
  • 電子レンジ
  • 食器洗い機
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • 調理器具と食器


  • 2 室のベッドルーム


  • 1 室のバスルーム
  • 一部オープンのバスルーム
  • シャワー付き浴槽
  • 備え付けのタオル


  • 応接スペース


  • ケーブル放送で視聴可能なテレビ


  • バルコニー


  • ランドリー設備


  • 冷房
  • シーリングファン


  • ペットとの宿泊不可


  • エレベーター
  • 全館禁煙


  • 客室清掃なし


  • フィットネスセンター
  • 敷地内 : マリーナ
  • 敷地内 : テニス
  • 敷地内 : 水上バイク
  • 近隣 : シュノーケリング
  • 近隣 : スクーター / モペッド レンタル
  • 近隣 : サーフィン / ボディボード
  • 近隣 : カヤック
  • 近隣 : ゴルフ
  • 近隣 : ウィンドサーフィン
  • 近隣 : セーリング
  • 近隣 : スキューバダイビング


  • 一酸化炭素検知器の有無不明 (施設における一酸化炭素検知器の有無について、オーナーから情報提供はありません。ポータブル検知器の持ち込みをご検討ください)
  • 煙感知器の有無不明 (施設における煙感知器の有無について、オーナーから情報提供はありません)


  • 18 階建ての建物
  • 2 棟の建物
  • 施設完成年 : 1982
  • 伝統建築

手数料 & ポリシー


宿泊施設にて、チェックインまたはチェックアウト時に次の追加料金をお支払いいただきます。料金には税金が含まれる場合があります :
  • リゾート料金 : 1 滞在につき 25 USD (1 施設あたり)
  • リゾート料金に含まれるもの :
    • ビーチの利用
    • フィットネスセンターの利用
    • プールの利用
    • セルフパーキング

プール、スパ、ジム (該当する場合)

  • 設備のご利用には、1 滞在につき 1 施設あたり 50 USDの料金がかかります。


利用可能なクレジットカード : Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Discover


South Seas Condo
South Seas Condo Gulf
South Seas Gulf
South Seas Gulf Condo Marco Island
South Seas Gulf Condo
South Seas Gulf Marco Island
South Seas on the Gulf Condo
South Seas on the Gulf Marco Island
South Seas on the Gulf Condo Marco Island


サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフの予約を無料でキャンセルして、全額返金を受けられますか ?

はい。サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフは、チェックイン日の数日前までにキャンセルした場合に全額返金可能な料金プランを提供しており、弊社サイトでご予約いただけます。宿泊施設のキャンセルポリシーで利用規約の詳細をご覧ください。

このコンドミニアムにプールはありますか ?


このコンドミニアムはペットと宿泊できますか ?



チェックイン開始は 15:00 です。チェックアウト時刻は、10:00です。

サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフと近隣では何を楽しめますか ?


サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフには、キッチンまたは簡易キッチンがありますか ?


サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフには屋外の専用スペースがありますか ?


サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフはどのようなエリアにありますか ?

サウス シーズ オン ザ ガルフはマルコビーチから徒歩で 16 分、Mayaguanaから徒歩で 11 分ほどの場所にあります。

South Seas on the Gulfの口コミ











10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Luis F.、7 泊の恋人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Secure property, beautiful views of beach and gulf, we had 6 nice condo, really reasonable boat rental near by only 150 for a half day!
Carol、7 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

It was a very nice rental, had a very nice view, had plenty of restaurants close by, had a private beach which was awesome we weren't expecting that. Everything was really safe, gated to get in, needed a key to get in everywhere, you felt safe. Will definitely be visiting south sea on the gulf again.
Anila D、7 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Nice hotel, right on the beach. Awesome view.
We enjoyed our stay very much. Everything was very close by.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Disappointing vacation.
When we arrived at our unit, the hurricane shutters were locked into place indicating that no one had been in the unit in months. Water was turned off and breaker for hot water (hidden in back of kitchen cupboard) was turned off. Ants were running in 3 of the rooms and there was no one to call. We were told we could not check in until 4p.m. on Saturday. The complex office closes at 4 p.m. on Sat. Limited pool hours. No outside grilling. We were VERY unhappy!!!!
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Nice condo in a great location on the beach!
Suite 708, Tower 3 - This condo suited our needs perfectly! It had a huge balcony with 4 chairs, a table and a lounge chair for relaxing and enjoying the ocean view and the sunset. The unit was well stocked with towels, dishes, cooking utensils, two flat screen TVs, DVD player and it had free wi-fi in the unit (not all of the units do). Although the building is a little older (late 1970's), the unit was clean and had light-coloured tile floors throughout, giving it a bright and airy feeling. The bathrooms could use a little updating, but they were fine for our use. One minor complaint we had is that the water pressure in the master bathroom was incredibly low. The pressure in the main bathroom was good though. The location was terrific - right on the beach - but you did have to walk along the sand and around the end of an intracoastal waterway to get to the wide part of the beach and the ocean. This wasn't a problem for us at all as we didn't have young children with us and we actually enjoyed the walk to get to the oceanfront. You could also take a shortcut by walking through the shallow part of the intracoastal waterway to get to the ocean.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

N ice location on the beach. That was it..
12/23Scheduled late arrival, rental office closed. Condo smelled like wet pants. Called after hours number, told only other available additional $1000.I wouldn't pay the extra was told he'd have to ask owners & asked if we could at least stay the night since it was late.Said he would call at 8:30am12/24. 8:45 still no call.I called & had to go over everything w/ new person since he wasn't in.Was told we couldn't move.Offered 1 movie ticket for each guest instead.I asked for chair that seemed to be source of smell be removed.She told me she would check into it.I had to get groceries, was assured they would call me ahead of time so I would be there because in the daylight the place was filthy & I wanted to go over it with them.Was called 20 min later. I had just arrived at the store & was told they were heading over to get the chair.I told them how filthy the place was & they said they would send someone to clean but not til 12/26 & would call 1st.We hosted inlaws on 12/25. Cleaner arrived, no call, staff said cleaners don't listen to us. Several times I asked to speak with the manager, was told the mgr would contact me.checking out mgr still not available. Was told it was Expedia's problem.I left my card for mgr.I emailed the mgr 1 week after returning. No replay, few weeks later I told her I was reporting them to BBB & had pictures, she wrote back wanting pics. horrible customer service at Horizon Rentals. Onsite condo mgmt said they have had several complaints on them
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Excelente para quienes quieren descansar
Fabuloso apartamento, creo que valió cada centavo que se pago. Limpio, amplio, especial para quienes buscan descansar, buena seguridad, tiene todo lo que uno necesita. En una sola palabra, EXCELENTE.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Condo on the Beach in Marco island
condo was well furnished. Booked thru expedia who used Horizon Rentals. South Seas is for adults. There was no explanation re: how to get into South Seas complex, where our condo was located (ie. which tower) and which unit. Man at gate in the middle of the night barely spoke..we weren't sure if he understood english or was half awake. In very small print was .... 3-four digit number, but we didn't know what that meant. keys had a totally different number that never had any significance. Since we arrived after hours....we were on our own. Finally figured out one key got us into the building. Another into unit, third key was for gate at front of complex. South Seas is a large complex. Visitors should have better explanation re: rental unit and more explicit directions.....given many renters are senior citizens. Guard didn't give us a parking pass and we weren't sure where to park. All this needs to be explained.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

south seas
never again
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Wonderful stay, but a far walk to the beach
We stayed at South Seas in October and our experience was wonderful! We were on the 10th floor with excellent views of the gulf. The room was well-maintained and clean, and the property manager was nice to deal with. Our only complaint was the walk to the beach. We clocked a quarter mile from our first step on the sand to the water. Having a small child made this a bit of a challenge.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Super Stranduraub ohne Partystimmung für Erholung
Super Lage, atemberaubender Blick auf Strand und Meer, gutes Preis- Leistungsverhältnis. Einzige Minuspunkte sind die uralten Balkonmöbel und das kleine Queensizebett im Masterbedroom.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

NIce Condo, Great Beach Location
It is not a hotel, it is a condo; therefore there are few amenities that you would find in a resort hotel. We were expected to provide toilet paper, kleenex, dish soap, cleaners, in short everything that you would need in your own condo. There was a $20.00 check-in fee that Expedia did not tell us about but we were expected to pay when we registered at the condo. The building is tired as it was built in the 80s but the location is superb - it is on the biggest beach i have ever seen. The condo itself was huge and well decorated, and had recently been upgraded with new livingroom furniture. The balcony was very large with a walkout from the livingroom and both bedrooms. We ate all of our meals on the balcony and thoroughly enjoyed it. The pool is not overly large but heated and great to relax around after a day at the beach. It is a long walk to the beach but that should not detour anyone from renting the condo. I enjoyed the area, the restaurants are numerous and the condo is in a good location to many of them. I will return to the area and would rent this condo again.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Love Marco Island!
Nice place. Our 2nd tub was very slow to drain and one set of adults had to scoot 2 twins together to sleep together but other than that no big disappointments. It was a very long walk to the beach with a little one but as always…a beach is worth it!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

ok for the money
Kitchen faucet and garbage disposal didn't work properly. Beds were uncomfortable!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Great Condos for Families or Couples
My husband and I wanted a quiet getaway without having to go to a restaurant for every meal.We got a great condo with a fantastic view of the Gulf. Clean,cheery and spacious.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Great for family and single person also
All I can say it was great, everything was just perfect
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

almost paradise
The condo was great and had no complains. The condo was ocean front but a distance from the water. The biggest problem was the tiny little bugs going and coming from the beach. Two days there was even bugs at the beach. The water was great but a lit bit uncomfortable at the beach.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Best location.......
The South Seas Towers are a wonderful place to stay on the whole; this unit offered a gulf view, wrap around deck, all linens and beach supplies. It was however, not clean, there were many ants in the kitchen, the dresser drawer was broken. Upon calling the rental company, I was told that someone would be over to clean it.....never happened. Overall, we love staying in South Seas and would stay there again!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

my better vacation
This place was beatifull, no have noise, this place was an Oasis inthe earth, the people was so wonderlfull, this place in my opinion was a piece of the Heaven in a Earth
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Southseas Quiet Relaxing A good value for the price
This is a condo rental. Tower 3 room 708. There are 4 towers. Tower 1 and 2 are closest to the main beach strip. Each unit is decorated differently. No daily maid service. We checked in at 3 am. No problem. Pick up and drop off keys at Horizon Realty. Security is tight. Pool was nice. Close to the beach and the main hotel strip. Southseas is the farthest accommodation. The location is away from all hotels but within walking distance. Nice beach. Nice rooms and we like having a kitchen. A very quiet place which we wanted to catch up on reading, walking and alone time. It was my husband and I. An hour from Sanibel and Everglade City. We would stay again.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Needs Improvement
This condo is in a beautiful quiet location at a good price. It is walking distance to the beach. Our particular unit needed some maintanence to the fridge and stove. Nicely furnished, however the Master had a queen size bed not a king
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Good room fo rthe money
The only thing I would change is the matress in the master bedroom
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ