動物園駅に近く、とても便利で周りのホテルより安いです。WiFiのデータ通信量と速度に制限があります(600 MB/日, 512 kbit/s)が、それ以外は完璧でした。今回は朝食は付けませんでしたが、次回は付けてみたいと思います。
This hotel is located near to Zoologischer Garten Station. It is really convenient and the price was cheaper than some other hotels around. Although the data traffic and speed of WiFi was limited (600 MB/day, 512 kbit/s), everything else was perfect for me. I did not include breakfast at the hotel this time, but next time I'd love to try.
Excellent location to stay west Berlin. Building is styled Classical European, renovate the Schloss. These kinds of hotels are not convenient as well as modern hotel. However, this kind of atmosphere could taste only Europe, unlike any other in the world.