6/10 (良い)
Just a place to stay
無人なので、鍵の受取には注意が必要です。ホテルの入口の住所はBadenerstrasse 362ですが、358か368の辺りの通路から建物の裏の駐車場に回り、キーボックス(2つあるうちのいずれか)に事前に割り当てられた5桁の暗証番号を入れる必要があります。私の場合、正しい暗証番号を入れても鍵が出てこなかったので、管理事務所に電話して新しい番号を割り当ててもらうことになりました。携帯電話が相手方の自動応答視システムとうまく通じず、公衆電話を探して電話をかけることに。何とか中に入ったら、中の設備は快適でした。
Since there is no staff, you need to pay attention for getting a key. You have to go to the backyard of the building, where the parking lots are located, through the passages near Badenerstrasse 358 or 368, although the address of the entrance is 362. Then, you have to input at one of two key boxes a 5-digit code which is assigned beforehand. In my case, I couldn't get a key even though I input a correct code, so I had to call their office to be assigned a new code. My mobile didn't work well with their interactive voice response system, so I had to search for a public telephone. After getting into the building, the facilities inside were comfortable.
Tom、1 泊旅行
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