ビター エンド ヨット クラブ


Bitter End Yacht Club

バージン ゴルダ島のビーチフロントに位置するホテル、2 か所のレストランおよびビーチバーあり


現在表示中の月は 2025 年 Januaryと 2025 年 Februaryです。

ビター エンド ヨット クラブの写真ギャラリー

Marina Loft | テラス / パティオ
Marina Loft | リビング エリア
Marina Loft | セーフティボックス (室内)、デスク、ノートパソコン用作業スペース、アイロン / アイロン台
ビーチ、白砂、ビーチカバナ (無料)、サンラウンジャー





  • バー
  • コネクティングルーム利用可
  • 空港送迎
  • 禁煙
  • 24 時間対応のフロントデスク
  • 冷房

主な設備 / サービス (12)

  • 毎日の客室清掃
  • マリーナ
  • ビーチ
  • 2 か所のレストランおよびバー / ラウンジ
  • 朝食
  • キッズクラブ (無料)
  • ビーチカバナ (無料)
  • 敷地内のビーチクラブ (無料)
  • ビーチパラソル
  • ビーチサンラウンジャー
  • ビーチタオル
  • ビーチバー

家族向け設備 / サービス (6)

  • 子供の宿泊無料
  • ベビーベッド (無料)
  • 託児サービス (有料)
  • キッズクラブ (無料)
  • 冷蔵庫
  • コネクティングルーム / 隣り合った客室


1 室中 1 室を表示中

Marina Loft


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
可動式 / エキストラ ベッド (無料)
ベビーベッド (無料)
  • 27.9 ㎡
  • オーシャン ビュー
  • 定員 2 名
  • キングベッド 1 台


Mod logo
ログインすると、対象となる割引や特典を確認できます。もっとリワードを獲得して、もっと旅を満喫 !


North Sound Road, Virgin Gorda


  • ビター エンド ガーデンズ - 徒歩 4 分


  • バージン ゴルダ空港 (VIJ) - 9.2 km
  • テレンス B. レットサム国際空港 (EIS) - 19.9 km
  • オーガスト ジョージ空港 (NGD) - 25.6 km
  • 空港シャトルサービス (有料)


  • Saba Rock
  • Jumbies Bar @ Leverick Bay
  • Sugarcane
  • Chez Bamboo
  • Reef House


ビター エンド ヨット クラブ

ビター エンド ヨット クラブには、マリーナやキッズクラブ (無料)があります。2 か所のレストランがあり、シーフードを提供するThe Club Houseでは朝食、ランチ、ディナーをお召し上がりいただけます。この他に、この高級ホテルにはビーチバーおよびバー / ラウンジなどの設備が備わっています。






    • 客室 : 2

チェックイン / チェックアウト

    • チェックイン : 16:00 ~ 指定なし
    • 最低チェックイン年齢 : 21 歳
    • チェックアウト時刻 : 正午


    • この宿泊施設への移動にはボートをご利用いただく必要があります。ご予約完了後に送信される確認通知の連絡先をご確認いただき、24 時間前までに宿泊施設にご連絡ください
    • この宿泊施設では、空港からの送迎をご利用いただけます (有料の場合あり)。予約確認通知の連絡先をご覧のうえ、ご旅行前に到着の詳細を宿泊施設までお伝えください
    • ご到着の 10 日前に、チェックインの手順をメールでお送りします。ご到着時にはフロントデスクのスタッフがお迎えします
    • 到着前に、安全なリンクを介してオンライン登録を完了させる必要があります


    • クレジットカード、デビットカードまたは現金による付随費用のお支払いが必要です
    • 場合により、政府発行の写真付き身分証明書をご提示いただく必要があります
    • チェックイン可能な最低年齢 : 21 歳
    • 春休み期間中にチェックイン可能な最低年齢 : 21 歳


    • お子様 (1 歳以下) が、保護者の方と同室で既存のベッドを使用して滞在される場合、4 名様まで宿泊料金は無料です
    • 託児サービス*
    • 託児サービス (スタッフ常駐)*
    • 無料のキッズクラブ


    • ペットの同伴不可


    • 敷地内に駐車場なし


    • 空港シャトルバス (24 時間対応)*


    • 全館禁煙



  • 朝食 (テイクアウト、毎朝 7:00 ~ 11:30、有料)
  • 2 か所のレストラン
  • バー / ラウンジ
  • ビーチバー
  • 共用エリアでのコーヒー / ティーサービス
  • プライベートレストラン
  • プライベート ピクニック
  • ルームサービス (営業時間限定)


  • ビーチの目の前
  • ビーチクラブ (無料)
  • ヨガ
  • ビーチバレー
  • ハイキング / サイクリング トレイル
  • カヤック
  • セーリング
  • ボートツアー
  • モーターボート
  • 水上モーターバイク
  • スキューバダイビング
  • シュノーケリング
  • ウィンドサーフィン
  • パドルボード (敷地内)
  • ショッピング
  • 釣り
  • エコツアー (近隣)


  • 1 室の会議室
  • コンピューター ステーション


  • 24 時間対応フロントデスク
  • コンシェルジュ サービス
  • ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス
  • 荷物保管サービス
  • ポーター / ベルボーイ サービス
  • ビーチカバナ (無料)
  • ビーチサンラウンジャー
  • ビーチタオル
  • ビーチパラソル
  • ウォータースポーツ用品
  • パドルボード (敷地内)
  • ロマンスパッケージ


  • 施設完成年 : 1975
  • セーフティボックス (フロントデスク)
  • デザイナーストア (敷地内)
  • マリーナ



  • 冷房
  • シーリングファン
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • アイロン / アイロン台

寝具 / サービス

  • ベビーベッド (無料)
  • 可動式 / エキストラベッド (無料)

客室の設備 / サービス

  • バルコニー

バスルーム設備 / バスアメニティ

  • 専用バスルーム
  • シャワーのみ
  • 石鹸とシャンプー
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • タオル
  • トイレットペーパー


  • デスク
  • WiFi (通信速度 : 25 Mbps 以上)


  • シャンパンサービス
  • 冷蔵庫


  • 客室清掃(毎日)
  • セーフティボックス (室内)
  • コネクティングルーム / 隣り合った客室利用可
  • ガイドブック / おすすめ情報
  • 現地の地図
  • レストランガイド



The Club House - このレストランはシーフード専門で、朝食、ランチ、ディナーを提供しています。バーでお飲み物を楽しめます。予約が必要です。
The Crawl Pub - このレストランはアメリカ料理専門で、ランチおよびディナーを提供しています。バーでお飲み物を楽しめます。毎日営業

手数料 & ポリシー


  • 朝食 (テイクアウトの朝食) は追加料金でお召し上がりいただけます (概算料金 : 大人 50 ~ 150 USD、子供 35 ~ 75 USD
  • 空港シャトルバス サービスは、1 名あたり 100.00 USDの追加料金 (往復) でご利用いただけます

お子様 & エキストラベッド

  • 託児サービス (スタッフ常駐)を追加料金でご利用いただけます
  • 託児サービスを追加料金でご利用いただけます
  • 6 ~ 12 歳のお子様は、空港シャトルバス サービスを 50.00 USD (往復) でご利用いただけます


コネクティングルーム / 隣合った客室も空室状況によりご利用いただけます。施設までお問い合わせください。連絡先は予約確認通知に記載されています。


Bitter End
Bitter End Club
Bitter End Yacht
Bitter End Yacht Club
Bitter End Yacht Club Hotel
Bitter End Yacht Club Hotel Virgin Gorda
Bitter End Yacht Club Virgin Gorda
Bitter Yacht Club
Bitter End Yacht Club Hotel North Sound
Bitter End Yacht Club Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands
Bitter End Yacht Hotel
Bitter End Yacht Resort
Bitter End Yacht Club Hotel
Bitter End Yacht Club Virgin Gorda
Bitter End Yacht Club Hotel Virgin Gorda


ビター エンド ヨット クラブはペットと宿泊できますか ?
ビター エンド ヨット クラブに駐車場はありますか ?
申し訳ございませんが、ビター エンド ヨット クラブに駐車場はありません。
ビター エンド ヨット クラブに空港シャトルサービスはありますか ?
はい、空港シャトルサービスが利用可能です。料金は 100.00 USD (1 名あたり、往復) です。
ビター エンド ヨット クラブのチェックインとチェックアウトの時刻を教えてください。
チェックイン時間は 16:00 ~ 指定なし です。チェックアウト時刻は、正午です。
ビター エンド ヨット クラブと近隣では何を楽しめますか ?
ビター エンド ヨット クラブの施設内か周辺にレストランはありますか ?
はい、施設内に 2 か所のレストランがあり、シーフードをお楽しみいただけます。
ビター エンド ヨット クラブには屋外の専用スペースがありますか ?
ビター エンド ヨット クラブはどのようなエリアにありますか ?
ビター エンド ヨット クラブはビター エンド ガーデンズから徒歩で 4 分ほどの場所にあります。

Bitter End Yacht Clubの口コミ











10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Excellent Water Sports and water activities
This is the place to go to enjoy the warm waters's of the Caribbean and learn how to sail, windsurf, snorkel, paddle board, or just enjoy swimming. The food is excellent and the staff is very friendly and accommodating. You just need to ask and they are willing to adjust to your needs. The only little drawl back was the mosquitoes at night which they are not really able to do much about because dinner in in an open air restaurant on the beach. They provide mosquito repellent upon request which I would recommenced for the late July/August time frame. We did not have issues with mosquitoes in the winter months. This is probably due to the rainy season. The snorkel excursions are great fun and you can see turtles, rays, nursing sharks and many many colorful fish. Staff is very helpful for first time snorkelers. For the all inclusive package food, water sports equipment, and excursions are included. Motor boats are not part of the package and require a separate fee.
Jon、7 泊旅行
Orbitz を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

perfect spot
it was amazing; the spot the beaches, the staff, the wifi and the activities are out of this world.
Jorge、4 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Beautiful facility. The beaches can be better.
The place is beautiful and the staf is friendly but the bar drinks are really water down .I fell like this was a all inclusive cheap place but is not.
gil、3 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Beautiful Views!!!
Beautiful location and great staff. The views amazing!!! Lots of water sports to embrace and a great quiet get away. Let's you revitalize yourself while providing engagement in water activities. Snorkeling, sailboating, and surrounding beauty. Highly recommend.
5 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Amazing hidden gem.
This is an amazing property- was thrilled to be able to enjoy for a few days. Service is super, rooms are very rustic- your own hut. The food and drinks were great. Lots of things to do in the area- the Baths, snorkeling, sailing, kite surfing.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Very cool artistic rooms with great views
Love the resort, make sure you get the water sport package
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Excellent resort. Exceeded my expectations.
There are too many positives to mention. Only negatives - the facilities are quite spread out and food quality can vary considerably. The pool and pub are a long walking distance from the rooms - not a problem if you overindulge in food and beverage. We found that sometimes the dinners are exceptionally good and sometimes not so much. This was particularly true of the meat but the fish was always outstanding.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Worth every single penny, Amazing hotel!! SUPERB
Most Amazing Hotel we ever stayed, is a bit pricey but is worth every single penny. Staff was incredible, from the front desk to restaurant, to young people who assist with all the included water sports. This hotel is the most incredible place we ever stayed, the rooms were amazing, the view from the room was incredible, the activities included were a huge plus, we always had something to do, they took care of every single detail in our stay. I couldnt have asked for anything else, this hotel exceeded all of our expectation and more. I would say again, this place is worth every single penny, you will not be disappointed. I went with my 2 daughters and this was the highlight of our island hoping adventure.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Great stay!
We moored a sailboat in the harbor and rented two rooms at the hotel. The staff were especially friendly and helpful and the grounds beautiful. Our room was clean and had the best view of any hotel I have ever stayed. Overall a great experience.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Paradiesisches Resort
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

A Paradise!!
Beautiful hotel, and a beautiful experience. Great!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Great customer care, really nice staff, breathtaking views. Paddleboard yoga was GREAT!!!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Just a terrific place!
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Rustic beach water sports resort
Very relaxing, great water views with constant wind keeping temps very comfortable even in the first week of June. Great assortment of sailboats, kiteboarding, snorkel and diving trips available. Special dinners and individual sailing or fishing trips can be arranged. Staff is very friendly. Great place to disconnect if you want.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Wonderful property that always delivers
This is a wonderful property that provides both a multitude of activities for those looking to keep busy and play but also provides areas to relax and unwind. The strengths of the property include: - Well appointed and clean rooms that provide great views. Deck chairs and hammock are great opportunities to relax and view the wonderful scenery. - Hotel staff and very nice and helpful. Our group needed assistance with flights, car rentals and boat transfers - the front desk team was very helpful each time. - Food at the restaurants was very good. Menus are somewhat limited, but offer several options for all types of diners. Breakfast buffet was good and provided many options. Wine list options at the Pub and Pool bar are very limited - management might consider making some other options available. - Activities - lots of fun and exciting things to do. The activity schedule is excellent and one could spend all day keeping busy (hiking, snorkeling, kite board, sailing, kayaking, swimming, birding, scuba, dancing, etc.). Besides these activities, ferries provide access to other small islands for exploring. - Attitude - casual, not stuffy - which is wonderful. - The property hosts many return visitors which says much about the overall service, quality, and guest enjoyment.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Save yourself the disappointment and stay at Saba
Save yourself the disappointment and stay at Saba Rock instead. I paid $600/ night for this so my expectations were high, as they should be at this price point. The hotel staff was the most unhelpful I have encountered probably anywhere. Any request was replied to with a NO and a bad attitude. I was unable to even get vegetables with my meals for the first 4 days. Finally on the 5th day vegetables appeared. They had them all along but the waitresses couldn't be bothered to accommodate a guests request. I poured my own water at meals. Upon arrival I requested some bottled water in the room and it took a 20 minute argument to actually get them to agree to provide it. I also asked for extra toilet paper and for that I was also told no and it never appeared. The ferry was an hour late picking me up so I arrived as the dinner time was endings, so after an entire day traveling was unable to get dinner on arrival (or bottled water as described above). It's a beautiful location but they need to do a lot of work to bring this up to an acceptable level of service for their price point. The property needs updating as well. I went over to Saba Rock the last night and could not have been more pleased. Excellent menu and wine list, and exceptional service. Stay at Saba Rock instead, its half the price and triple the service. Oh, there was no water pressure in the shower either so it was pretty difficult to wash my hair.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Bitter End = Perfect Honeymoon
Wonderful honeymoon. Bitter End is the perfect remote escape. The all inclusive package is incredible considering you can spend up to $150 nightly on dinner and all of our "water activities" were included providing endless fun with the sun without creating a huge entertainment bill.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Perfect place for a romantic get away
This is a perfect place for a romantic get away, especially if you like to sail. It is a beautiful location and everything was wonderful.
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Our 5th BEYC Stay - Beautiful, Sailing, Boating
This was one of our best vacations in memory. We sailed our brains out. We motored to deserted beaches, we drank lots of rum and wine, we swam and floated around in the ocean water, enjoyed the beaches and pool, ate great food, enjoyed the 'to die for' scenery, and were very well served by the staff. At 40 years old, BEYC is a mature venue, but we don't go there to sit in the room and admire the furnishings. It's clean, plenty roomy, and totally functional. The well-maintained rooms have seen upgrades or improvements many times, and they are not far off the quality of other rooms that we booked at other BVI resorts on previous trips. Not every room is air conditioned, so make sure you are booking the room that you want. We prefer the A/C during the summer months to lower the humidity in the room, but the constant ocean breezes may be all you need, especially in the winter. BEYC has made some improvements over the years; they now have digital safes in the rooms so we didn't have to use the safe deposit boxes at the registration desk, and they added a seaplane dock that is mostly used in the winter. You get hardwood floors at BEYC, no Italian marble, no crystal chandeliers. Our previous four experiences at BEYC were also excellent, so BEYC has a pretty good track record from our viewpoint.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

great honeymoon
Stayed there on our honeymoon. Beautiful setting, wonderful and helpful staff, great activities. On-site spa had unfortunately closed and would be more convenient if open, and room service would be nice option, but otherwise amazing! We'll go back!
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

A Tropical Paradise
Everything was great... We will be back with our kids.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

We stayed here for our honeymoon in early May and it was beyond perfect. Room: the wood 'huts' are so neat- we stayed in one of the highest ones which had amazing views. We loved the open air aspect and feeling the trade winds blowing in at night. Our shower overlooked the balcony and north sound, so cool. Very clean, mini fridge is great, and the mini bottle of Mount Gay Rum left in there for us was also very nice. The restaurants: Amazing fresh food at every restaurant and every meal. We could not have been more impressed or happier with the changing menu nightly at the clubhouse, with Anegada lobster being kept on every night which was so good! The key lime pie for dessert was the best! The bars: great drinks, great views, great staff. Bartenders were so friendly, we loved Aline. Reasonable prices. Excursions: the best part, we enjoyed snorkeling, sunset cruises, trip to Anegada, the Baths, best of the BVI's and more. Kinto and Jaye were so great to us, along with everyone else. Watersports: we loved using the paddleboards, windsurfing, and taking out the boston whalers. All the staff was so helpful and friendly and made it very easy to get out on the water. Overall, this is the best honeymoon we could have imaginged. The staff did so much to make us comfortable, put us in a room with amazing views, were so friendly, helpful, and made a point to know our names and always say hi and ask how we were. BEYC is seriously an amazing place to vacation!
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

There are many options for fun.
I like to fish and usually go to a lodge with far fewer amenities; The Bitter End is one of the few top resorts where one can fish the flats for bone fish and other species and finish the day with an elegant dinner. The other water activities were also very accessable as well and the staff very accomodating. We had a meal plan and at first I concerned because it did'nt look as extravagent as a different high end resort we have stayed at numerous times. I was pleasantly surprised howerever, that the quality and ingredients and preparation was excellent every meal. The ambience is not totally themed but rather eclectic. It is a mix of traditional seaport with a carribean flare. The other guests seemed friendly and not at all uptight which you can sometime run into when people are trying to unwind . There were some children who all seemed very well behaved.
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Paid over $1,500 for 2 nights. Was supposed to have a beautiful ocean view as shown in the pictures. Ended up with just opposite. The view was completely obstructed with trees. Tried to straighten this out with the front desk, who was VERY, VERY RUDE and could care less, and then just decided just to remain where we were as we had been waiting from 11 a.m. until 4:30 for the room to be ready and had wasted half the day! Also told upon checking in there was a stomach virus spreading throughout the resort and to wash our hands frequently. Not a great way to start out a vacation! Fortunately we did not get it, but definitely made us nervous the whole time. To top things off, the second night I AWOKE TO FIND A LARGE DEAD RAT NEXT TO MY BED!!!! Travel frequently and have never encountered anything like that ever! Was given a $200 credit by the hotel, which I definitely feel was not enough! Never even an apology for the rat, just and ewwww! Obviously, THIS HOTEL TURNED OUT TO BE A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!!! It's unfortunate because I was really looking forward to staying here and it is a very pretty location. I think the hotel might want to look into whether a rat infestation may be causing people to get sick there!
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

No TV or wi fi in room. No locks on doors or patio doors, no safes except in main house quite a distance from room. Lights dim on walkways (they give you little flashlights), room was old, needed power washing, full of noseum bugs which management said they would get rid of, but never did, the netting was missing in the shower so lots of mosquitos, rooms in need of updating for prices charged. The food was good but menu did not change for the 6 days we were there. When I complained about not knowing about no tv or wi fi I was told that they do not say they have TV! The hotel is remote and only way to access anything is to take a ferry to main location. The trip going there was 13 hours and a ferry ride on very rough seas, with 8 foot swells and pounding every mile of the way. The trip home was good, and ferry rides were pleasant. Just not knowing any of this was disappointing. Did not know that different packages included watersports, so we wound up paying high prices as watersports were not included in package. Very costly vacation..
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ