値段を考えれば仕方ないんだけど、直して欲しい点がいろいろある。Considering its cheap price, things are acceptable, but several points I want the hotel to reconsider.
1.ビジネスセンターにコンピュータは使えるのは1台しかないため、いつも誰かに使われている。他のコンピュータは壊れていて、ホテルのスタッフに文句を言っても、直してくれない。The business center has only one computer working, which is always occupied by somebody. The other computer was broken, and even when I asked hotel staffs fix it, my complaint was just neglected.
2. エアコンが調節できない。寒すぎる。スイッチを切っても暖かくならない(屋外は蒸し暑いのに。なお、窓ははめ殺しで、開けられない。The air conditioner was uncontrollable. Even I turned the switch off, the room was kept frozen chilly. Windows are fixed, so you cannot open it even though the outside of the hotel was very hot. Just waste of energy.
3.風呂のお湯が、最高温度にしても、低すぎ。部屋は寒いので、風呂からあがるのに決心がいる。The bath-tab served only a very low temperature-water. Not hot at all. Since the room was chilly cold, be careful not to catch a cold.
4. 洗面所(兼トイレ)の電気のスイッチが壊れかかっていて、ちゃんとつく時とつかない時がある。暗いなかで顔や歯を磨かなくちゃならない。The switch of the light of the bath room was half-broken. Sometimes it works, sometimes it didn't. I had to wash my face in dark.