ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテル


Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort Hotel

ハリウッド カジノ アット グリークタウンから 2.2 km、屋外プールがあるリバーフロントのホテル


現在表示中の月は 2025 年 Januaryと 2025 年 Februaryです。

ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルの写真ギャラリー

スタンダード ルーム キングベッド 1 台 禁煙 リバービュー | 羽毛の掛け布団、セーフティボックス (室内)、デスク、ノートパソコン用作業スペース
Executive Suites, 1 King Bed, Non-Smoking | 羽毛の掛け布団、セーフティボックス (室内)、デスク、ノートパソコン用作業スペース




  • バー
  • プール
  • コネクティングルーム利用可
  • ジム
  • 禁煙
  • ランドリー設備
主な設備 / サービス
  • 毎日の客室清掃
  • レストランおよびバー / ラウンジ
  • 屋内プール、屋外プール
  • フィットネスセンター
  • ルームサービス
  • 24 時間対応ビジネスセンター
  • 会議室
  • リムジン / タウンカー サービス
  • テラス
  • 24 時間対応フロントデスク
  • 暖炉 (ロビーエリア)
  • セーフティボックス (フロントデスク)
便利な設備 / サービス
  • 可動式 / エキストラ ベッド
  • コネクティングルーム / 隣り合った客室
  • プレミアムテレビチャンネル
  • テラス
  • 毎日の客室清掃
  • ランドリー設備


10 室中 10 室を表示中

Executive Suites, 1 King Bed, Non-Smoking


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 28 ㎡
  • リバー ビュー
  • 定員 4 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

スタンダード ルーム キングベッド 1 台 禁煙 リバービュー


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 19 ㎡
  • リバー ビュー
  • 定員 3 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

Penthouse Room, 1 King Bed, Non-Smoking


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 46 ㎡
  • 定員 4 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

スタンダード ルーム クイーンベッド 1 台 禁煙


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 19 ㎡
  • 定員 2 名
  • クイーンベッド 1 台

プレジデンシャル スイート


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 46 ㎡
  • 定員 4 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

Riverview Deluxe, 1 King Bed, Non-Smoking


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 23 ㎡
  • 定員 4 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

ルーム クイーンベッド 2 台 リバービュー


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 23 ㎡
  • 定員 4 名
  • クイーンベッド 2 台

スタンダード ルーム クイーンベッド 2 台 禁煙


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 19 ㎡
  • 定員 5 名
  • クイーンベッド 2 台

Deluxe King, Non-Smoking


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 23 ㎡
  • 定員 4 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

スタンダード ルーム キングベッド 1 台 禁煙


コネクティング ルーム / 隣合った客室の利用可
  • 19 ㎡
  • 定員 3 名
  • キングベッド 1 台


Mod logo
ログインすると、対象となる割引や特典を確認できます。もっとリワードを獲得して、もっと旅を満喫 !


1000 River Place Dr, Detroit, MI, 48207


  • GM ルネサンス センター - 車で 4 分
  • ハリウッド カジノ アット グリークタウン - 車で 4 分
  • フォード フィールド - 車で 5 分
  • デトロイト ウィンザー トンネル - 車で 7 分
  • シーザーズ カジノ - 車で 7 分


  • コールマン A ヤング市営空港 (DET) - 車で 19 分 (15.5 km)
  • デトロイト メトロポリタン ウェイン郡空港 (DTW) - 車で 32 分 (37.8 km)
  • ウィンザー空港 (YQG) - 車で 33 分 (24.7 km)
  • オークランド郡国際空港 (PTK) - 車で 46 分 (62.5 km)
  • デトロイト駅 - 車で 15 分 (10.1 km)
  • ロイヤルオーク駅 - 車で 19 分 (24.4 km)
  • ディアボーン駅 - 車で 21 分 (22.7 km)


  • ‪Tim Hortons - ‬車で 10 分
  • ‪Wendy's - ‬車で 3 分
  • ‪Bucharest Grill - ‬徒歩 10 分
  • ‪Atwater Block Brewery - ‬徒歩 6 分
  • ‪Bai MAI Thai - ‬車で 3 分


ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテル

ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルは、GM ルネサンス センターおよびハリウッド カジノ アット グリークタウンから車でわずか 5 分圏内です。屋外プールや屋内プールをご利用いただけるほか、Roberts Riverwalkでは朝食、ランチ、ディナーをお召し上がりいただけます。バー / ラウンジ、フィットネスセンター、およびテラスなどの人気設備があります。





  • レストラン
  • バー / ラウンジ
  • ルームサービス (営業時間限定)


  • ビリヤード台
  • ゴルフ (近隣)
  • セグウェイレンタル / ツアー (近隣)


  • 24 時間対応ビジネスセンター
  • 会議室
  • カンファレンス スペース


  • 24 時間対応フロントデスク
  • リムジン / タウンカーサービス
  • ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス
  • ロビーでの新聞サービス (無料)
  • 荷物保管サービス
  • ウェディングサービス
  • 自転車レンタル


  • 1 棟の建物
  • ATM / 銀行
  • セーフティボックス (フロントデスク)
  • ピクニックエリア
  • テラス
  • ロビーの暖炉
  • テレビ (共用エリア)
  • フィットネスセンター
  • 屋外プール
  • 屋内プール


  • 車椅子対応
  • エレベーター



  • DVD プレーヤー
  • 42 インチの薄型テレビ
  • プレミアムケーブルチャンネル


  • 冷房 (温度調節可)
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • アイロン / アイロン台

寝具 / サービス

  • 羽毛の掛け布団
  • 遮光カーテン
  • キング ソファーベッド
  • アラーム付き時計
  • 可動式 / エキストラベッド (有料)
  • 備え付けのシーツ類

バスルーム設備 / バスアメニティ

  • バスアメニティ (無料)
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • タオル


  • デスク
  • WiFi (無料)
  • 電話
  • デスクチェア


  • 冷蔵庫 (要リクエスト)
  • 電子レンジ (要リクエスト)


  • 客室清掃(毎日)
  • セーフティボックス (室内)
  • コネクティングルーム / 隣り合った客室利用可



Roberts Riverwalk - このビストロは、朝食、ブランチ、ランチ、ディナータイムに営業しています。 バーでお飲み物を楽しめます。

手数料 & ポリシー


  • デポジット : 1 滞在につき 100.00 USD


宿泊施設にて、チェックインまたはチェックアウト時に次の追加料金をお支払いいただきます。料金には税金が含まれる場合があります :
  • リゾート料金 : 1 泊につき 18.00 USD (1 名あたり)
  • リゾート料金に含まれるもの :
    • フィットネスセンターの利用
    • プールの利用


  • レイトチェックアウトは、50.00 USDの追加料金でご利用いただけます (空室状況によってはご利用いただけない場合があります)
  • 電子レンジは、1 日につき 25 USDでご利用いただけます
  • 冷蔵庫は、1 日につき 25 USDでご利用いただけます

お子様 & エキストラベッド

  • 可動式ベッドは、1 泊につき 25 USDでご利用いただけます


コネクティングルーム / 隣合った客室も空室状況によりご利用いただけます。施設までお問い合わせください。連絡先は予約確認通知に記載されています。


Detroit Riverwalk Hotel
Riverwalk Detroit
Riverwalk Detroit Hotel
Riverwalk Hotel Detroit
Roberts Hotel
Roberts Hotel Detroit
Roberts Riverwalk
Roberts Riverwalk Detroit
Roberts Riverwalk Hotel
Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort Hotel Detroit
Roberts Riverwalk Hotel And Residence Detroit
Roberts Riverwalk Urban Detroit
Roberts Riverwalk Urban
Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort
Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort Hotel Hotel
Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort Hotel Detroit
Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort Hotel Hotel Detroit


ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルの予約を無料でキャンセルして、全額返金を受けられますか ?
はい。ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルは、チェックイン日の数日前までにキャンセルした場合に全額返金可能な料金プランを提供しており、弊社サイトでご予約いただけます。宿泊施設のキャンセルポリシーで利用規約の詳細をご覧ください。
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルにプールはありますか ?
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルはペットと宿泊できますか ?
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルに駐車場はありますか ?
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルのチェックインとチェックアウトの時刻を教えてください。
チェックイン時間は 16:00 ~ 23:30 です。チェックアウト時刻は、11:00です。レイトチェックアウトは空室状況により、有料でご利用いただけます (50.00 USD)。
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルの施設内にカジノはありますか ?
いいえ、このホテルにカジノはありませんが、近隣にハリウッド カジノ アット グリークタウン (車で 4 分) とモーターシティ カジノ (車で 7 分) があります。
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルと近隣では何を楽しめますか ?
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルにご滞在中は、屋外プール、フィットネスセンターのほか、ピクニックエリアをご利用いただけます。
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルの施設内か周辺にレストランはありますか ?
はい、施設内にRoberts Riverwalkがあります。
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルはどのようなエリアにありますか ?
ロバーツ リバーウォーク アーバン リゾート ホテルはリバータウンの川沿いにあり、デトロイト リバーウォークから徒歩で 3 分、The Aretha Franklin Amphitheatreから徒歩で 8 分ほどです。

Roberts Riverwalk Urban Resort Hotelの口コミ










2/10 (不満)

Don't let the view fool you, Pass on this hotel,
Yes, the view from the RiverWalk is lovely. Service and property are below sub-par. We waited 45 min in line to check in, multiple parties had issues as the hotel seems confused about amounts to charge if you are a hotels.com customer. A lady in line said that the check in and check out process is always terrible there. We did not stay at the property because the air-conditioners were not working. Hotels.com processed a refund the next day, but we have been waiting on the hotel to process a refund of less that $50 for over 6mths.
1 泊の恋人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

It was nice interior but could use updating. Staff was friendly and brought us a roll away bed. Also contacted another room with radio on (loud) at 1am. Dislike-walls were thin, rooms on the chilly side until the heat kicked in. Hallways were cold. No “do not disturb” signs. No hotel or TV information in the room. No curtains in the bathrooms as it could possible to see into from another room. Didn’t have any issues with parking. Right on the riverfront which would nice during summer to walk around. Walking distance to a few places to eat which were really good. Don’t come expecting high end service as you get what you pay for.
2 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

John、1 泊旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Took one hour and 45 minutes to get in room. Booked 2 months in advance and said they did not have a room. Assigned me a room that was storage Then upgraded me to a suite. NO HEAT. Room was nice but COLD Several guest had no heat!
1 泊旅行
Travelocity を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Management issues at Roberts Riverwalk
This was terrible experience. There was no hot water during the entire seven day stay despite assurances that the problem would be remedied soon. We had to change rooms because the first room was uninhabitable and should not have been rented. There was a "resort" fee added to the bill that was not properly described at check-in. All in all, although the hotel is a nice facility, it was a terrible experience.
John B、7 泊の恋人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Check in was a nightmare and took way too long telling me a owed money when I paid in full month's ago. No heat in the rooms, tv was blurry, no one tells you anything upon check in like there is a restaurant or anything really that a normal hotel front desk tells you. Plus a resort fee !!! In Detroit let that sink in for min... For the price of this terrible hotel just spend more to stay at Greek town or better yet don't go to Detroit
Waylon、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

I paid money for that?
We stayed at Roberts River walk Detroit MI so we could attend the Sunday Night last football field at Ford Field. Our room was still not available when we left to go to game at 6:30pm. We had to get ready in my sister in laws room. When we got back at 12:30am and went to our room, we discovered that the toilet wasn't working and had to be moved to another room (how did house keeping miss that?). They specifically asked at check in (which took 40 minutes), 'You booked through a 3rd party, didn't you?' I was very disappointed.
Bethany、1 泊の友人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Vicki、1 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Perhaps the hotel is normally of higher quality, but during their renovations the room was very uncomfortable. Additionally, it was clear that the room I was placed in had not been used or cleaned in some time. Lastly, it took nearly a full hour in line for check-in before I was able to get keys to my room (I was only the fifth person in line on Saturday afternoon). If you purchase an upgrade to a river-front room, this location may be worth the cost. Otherwise, save the money and find another hotel.
2 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

broken glass in parking lot took hours for water in shower to drain not enough electrical plugs road to hotel in poor condition not enough towels no extra rolls of toilet paper no tissues wifi and tv reception poor dark hallways
M、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Don't do it!!
It was probably the worst place I had ever stayed! No air conditioning, VERY rude manager (I actually felt awful for the employees trying their best), and the place is soo run down!
Meegan、1 泊の恋人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Everything was terrible! Hotel is very old and everything in it is old or very cheap. We have a “suite”, it just means they crammed a loveseat in the room. Getting a room with air conditioning is a 50/50 gamble. In the room: no hand towels, no Kleenex, no drinking cups, minimal coffee maker but no coffee, no cups, no sugar, no creamer, stir sticks, every time you leave the room your key entry won’t work. No working phone in the room. Room is very damp and we haven’t even taken a shower, no exhaust in the bathroom, and the overhead fixture is now only an exposed bulb. Check in is not until 4pm, no exceptions!!!! This was the worst experience regarding a hotel and we are in our late 60’s. Highly recommend you don’t stay here or in this bad section of Detroit.
1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

This was one of the worst experiences I have ever had at a hotel. We arrived at 1:30 to check in, the front desk said the system was down after waiting for an hour so she handed out numbers for people. Her shift ended and a new worker came in and had no difficulties with the system. However, the first lady didn't tell him about the 8 other people in line, we ended up waiting a total of 3 hours to check in. The room was dirty, service was terrible. They handed out duplicated keys for rooms so people were walking into other people's rooms - two people got robbed while we were there. They handed out a parking pass and said "it's not safe but here you go." I would not recommend this hotel to anyone.
Miranda、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Computer system was down during peak check in time on Saturday afternoon. People were lined up out the door waiting to check in. Took about 1.5 hrs. Hotel also processed a $100 incidental charge on my credit card that I had to call and have a credit issued. Beautiful facility, hope they can overcome these operational issues. Staff were holding up quite well despite the enormous stress of the situation.
Steve、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

We arrived at 3:30pm for check-in and waited two hours in line before we were able to check-in. There was one employee working the front desk until 4:15pm. We were told the room had no a/c. This would not have been a problem as it was a cold day, however our room was on the first floor near the hotel entrance, so noise and safety were an issue while having the windows open. We requested a different room but were told they were booked full. In order to try to get another room they would have to cancel our current reservation and we would have to try to call to get another. We had already waited for two hours and had no choice but to take it. The employee commented he knew there was gong to be long check in processes because he had looked ahead on the schedule and saw how booked the hotel was. Sounds like terrible management. They left their two employees out to the wolves. Everyone was complaining. Our room didn’t have a/c nor a remote control for the television. There was a used condom behind one of the night stands which was only found looking for the television remote. There is also an $18 fee for the pool etc that was not mentioned on Expedia.
Jamie、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Roberts hotel review
Suite was large and airy. Lots of windows. Staff was friendly. Great views of the river. Pool was clean.
1 泊の友人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

It's An Older Huge Piece Of Property.It Has Large Rooms Which Needs A lot Of Updates. It Has Good Bones. I Can Tell It Was Really Grand In Years Gone By. It Can Be Grand Again. And The Beauty Of It Also Is The Riverfront Is Right Outside Your Window, If You Have A Room On The East Side Of The Building. Or You Can Walk Out The Door, Find A Seat And Enjoy The View. Did I Mention, That Canada Is Across The Way. My Opinion, The Owner Of This Gold Mine Needs The Right Investors, Who Are Willing To Go All In, To Make This Place Grand Again. They Need A Large Staff, With A lot Of Experience In Hospitality. This Place Is Too Massive To Only Have A Skeleton Crew! The People That's Hired To Make Sure The Air Is Running Properly! Unfortunately, I Had To Go To Another Hotel. Because The Ceiling In My Run Was Leaking.so I Was Disappointed, Hot and Tired. I Did Get My Refund Right Away. Thank You! Lastly With All That Said, I Will Not Bash This Hotel. I Believe It Still Has Many Years To Be Great! And Offer A Really Nice Place To Stay. Things Need To Be Put In Place To Bring This Into A Reality (Fruition). If I Had The Money Right Now, I Would Love To Buy It. Before I Checked Out, I Was Thinking About How I Would Decorate. I Would Blend In The Nostalgia Of This Place In A Fresh Look. Each Floor Wood Have A Different Theme With Nice Colors And Décor. I Would Take Out (Urban) And Replace It With Grand! That's The Level In Which This Property Should Be Envisioned....
PeggyGray、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

The Room was horriblr but had a good view, Phone did not work, chair looked like a angry tiger had clawed it
1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Will never stay there again
I was not satisfied with the room it was not clean . The bathroom had a used towels on the sink when we got there , and a used tiowel was laying on the bed .
kevin、1 泊の恋人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Worst maintenance & response.Highly Not recommend
Worst maintenance and response. Highly Not recommended
sai venkatesh、1 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Very deceiving place. Was very dirty. Beds were very uncomfortable. ABSOLUTELY NO AIR CONDITIONING!! They offered to give us 2 fans in exchange. The rugs were very dirty and nasty. Our bathroom was a mess, with garbage still laying around, clearly the rugs were not vacuumed. Our tub would not drain, and also back washed with all sorts of nasty hair filling our tub. My daughter and husband have suffered bed bug bites. ABSOLUTELY NO WIFI in the hotel, except in the lobby. Very poor and deceiving place, yet they want you to pay a RESORT FEE, which in very fine print does it state they want 18 dollars per person.......Was very upsetting for my family. When asked if we can have our money returned, we were told to call the toll free number and that it would be days before we get anything returned to us. I have yet to write a letter to the Better Business Bureau to have this hotels operating license revoked......What a freaken terrible joke this place really is!!!! PLEASE do not stay here.......terrible, terrible, terrible
Roxanne、1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

PLace Needs Work
I think the Hotel some day will be a nice place to stay but they are in Renoivations - Air Conditioning did NOT work in 75% of the rooms - We had to pay an $18.00 charge for a Pool - Conventions and another fee that would not be happening there in the shape of the Hotel - They booked double people in rooms which got a little scary If the Management will work harder and get more completed it will be good - Now it is not worth the stay
Marsha、1 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

The Shining (for real)
Basically the hotel in The Shining, had no air conditioning, no towels, bar was always closed, TV's didn't work, phones to call the front desk were broke, everything was either broken or missing. When we checked in there was a sign that said back in 5 min, next day back in 30, when they did show up the girl said don't answer the door if somebody knocks, call the front desk first to see if it's legit, check your toilets and faucets to see if they work, cops knocked on our door when we got to the room, couldn't call the desk cause phone was broke, used my cell, said somebody smelled weed, he was gonna bust the door down, found out it was the people 5 doors down and they we're bringing the drug dogs in, it was 90 degrees in our room and had to open the windows just to breath, bed sheets were the only thing semi- clean in the hotel. I booked this hotel cause it looked historical and was by the riverwalk. But the riverwalk was the only good thing about this hotel. The worst hotel I've ever been to in my entire life. I would have rather slept outside and possibly have gotten robbed. They said they were fixing to do a 5 million dollar rennovation ...yeah 5 million wouldn't even fix the plumbing and air conditioning in this building. or replace the carpet and clean this place. When I finally got towels so we could shower, another guest said "oh u got towels!" ..."we couldn't get any so we used our bed sheets."...stay away from this place, I'm sure it's haunted too.
2 泊の友人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

1 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

The TV did not work, some lamps did not work, the tub was dirty, house keeping did not leave new towels but took the dirty one and when the air-condition came on it was so loud that it woke me up every time. I spoke with six staff about my issues and nobody seem to care. Not one issue was resolved.
Jute、2 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ