2/10 (不満)
Scam hotel
予約確定後にフェリーターミナルシャトルサービスをお願いしたら、無料ではなく600,000のタクシーを紹介されました。Hotels.com に問合せのメールをしても、日本人で無い担当者が代わる代わる変な日本語で回答をはぐらかすします。そして、3回くらいのメールやり取りで、ブロックされました。
Don't be fooled. When I requested the ferry terminal shuttle service after the reservation, I was introduced to 600,000 taxis instead of free service. I sent inquiry emails to Hotels.com, non-Japanese representatives responded in strange Japanese words. And they blocked my email account after about three email exchanges.
Their answer is that anything not listed as free is charged. There is no such statement anywhere on HP, but they insisted it. It's up to you to decide whether it's worth paying the same taxi fee as your accommodation fee. I was deceived. It is a complete scam.
1 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ