4/10 (まあまあ)
Is this an aparthotel or a hotel?
Is this an aparthotel or a hotel? You can't eat or drink anything at the pool. You have to eat from the pool bar. But for example, there is a chocolate that is not sold at the bar, and even your children can't eat it at the pool. I love drinking coffee and tea by the pool, but I was constantly warned. There was almost a fight. If you don't shop at the bar all the time, you can't even get a good morning from the employees. They don't greet you. There is one employee who plays darts in particular, he says good morning to those sitting next to you, but not to you. When we first entered the room, the refrigerator wasn't working, thankfully they fixed it quickly. Customer satisfaction is secondary, it's a business that prioritizes making money, I wouldn't go back. I discovered that there are much nicer places in Marmaris.
Ali、3 泊の家族旅行
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