Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S Hotel
Jing'an hotel
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At Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S Hotel, you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Yu Garden and Nanjing Road Shopping District. Also, The Bund and People's Square are within a short drive. Public transportation is close by: Pengpu Xincun Station is just 10 minutes by foot.
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About the neighborhood
No.2018 Chang Zhong Road 200443, Shanghai Shanghai Cina No.2018 Chang Zho, Shanghai
About this property
Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S Hotel
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Also known as
Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S
Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S Hotel Hotel
Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S Hotel Shanghai
Zhongjian Suisseplace Apart S Hotel Hotel Shanghai
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