The Clubに宿泊しました。実は何度も宿泊していますが毎回Dedekという素晴らしいバトラーが付き、滞在をサポートしてくれます。Clubからクタやレギャン位なら送迎してくれます。ホテル側には美しいビーチもあり、スタッフも素晴らしいです。バリが好きで他の宿泊施設も試みましたが、個人的にここが一番癒されます。日本とはまた違うホスピタリティを是非体感して欲しいです。新鮮で再び戻りたくなる所です。
I'm quite satisfied for my stay at the LEgian Bali over all, however, I felt a little bit unconfortable for taking a taxi driving back to the hotel after dinner paying three times more than I payed for arrival at the restaurant. The driver's excuse was threr are three hotels with the same or similar name. To avoid confusion, I should've taken the hotel adress to show the driver.
So, please understand there are still some tourists who don't use i-Phone smart enough to tell derections to taxi drivers where they want to go. When get on a taxi, just passing a hotel information card will make guests much happier.
The Legian is amazing always.
You can relax both mind and body in a wonderful place facing the beautiful beach.
We sincerely respect warmful hospitality of all the team of Legian Bali, and looking forward to seeing them again.