ホテルのWi-Fiがフロントでは繋がり部屋に入ると切断されてしまいを繰り返し。Wi-Fiが繋がらないと何も出来ないじゃあないかとフロントに訴えても I am sorry for your inconvenience. 実際、フロントとしては何も出来ないのでしょうが、全館無料Wi-Fiを売りにしているホテルのはずなので、評価を下げました。
Front desk may look down on Asian people?
She gave deferent receipt from what I ordered through this site and not correct even after I ask to correct with a print out of reservation confirmation. What has happened?
Cleen and large enough, convenience location, good hotel except terrible manner of front desk.
I got worst hospitality in my life at check out.
You need enough English skills to stay here for clain for un-used mini-bar charge.
You had better to tell any request for front desk as earlier as possible to avoide getting bad feeling.
Take care.