ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファン


La Capitana Old San Juan

市内中心にあるホテル - サン フアン港から 3 km 圏内


ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンの写真ギャラリー

Cozy Apartment with Sea View | バルコニーからの眺望
アパートメント バルコニー オーシャンビュー | バルコニーからの眺望
アパートメント バルコニー オーシャンビュー | バルコニーからの眺望
Cozy Apartment with Sea View | 客室ごとに異なる装飾、客室ごとに異なるインテリア、ノートパソコン用作業スペース、遮光カーテン
Breathtaking Apartment | 施設からの眺望
ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンは、サン フアン港およびパン アメリカン ピアから車でわずか 5 分圏内です。また、コンダード ビーチおよびプエルトリコ コンベンション センターは車で 10 分の距離にあります。




  • 禁煙
  • 冷房
  • WiFi (無料)

主な設備 / サービス (4)

  • 客室清掃 (1 度の滞在につき 1 回)
  • 朝食
  • コンシェルジュ サービス
  • 荷物保管サービス

便利な設備 / サービス (6)

  • 電子レンジ
  • 専用バスルーム
  • 独立したダイニングスペース
  • 独立した応接スペース
  • テレビ
  • 遮光カーテン


2 室中 2 室を表示中

アパートメント バルコニー オーシャンビュー


  • 60 ㎡
  • 定員 4 名
  • キングベッド 2 台

Zen Atlantis Place


  • ベイ ビュー
  • 定員 2 名
  • キングベッド 1 台


Mod logo
ログインすると、対象となる割引や特典を確認できます。もっとリワードを獲得して、もっと旅を満喫 !


412 Calle Norzagaray, San Juan, San Juan, 00901


  • サン フアン港 - 徒歩 10 分 - 0.9 km
  • サンフェリペ エル モロ要塞 - 徒歩 15 分 - 1.3 km
  • パン アメリカン ピア - 車で 3 分 - 2.1 km
  • コンダード ビーチ - 車で 5 分 - 4.2 km
  • プエルトリコ コンベンション センター - 車で 6 分 - 4.8 km


  • ルイス ムニョス マリン国際空港 (SJU) - 車で 15 分 (13.6 km)


  • ‪La Verguenza - ‬徒歩 2 分
  • ‪Cafeteria Mallorca - ‬徒歩 5 分
  • ‪El Jibarito - ‬徒歩 3 分
  • ‪Caficultura - ‬徒歩 3 分
  • ‪Casa Luna Rest - ‬徒歩 3 分


ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファン

ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンは、サン フアン港およびパン アメリカン ピアから車でわずか 5 分圏内です。また、コンダード ビーチおよびプエルトリコ コンベンション センターは車で 10 分の距離にあります。






    • 客室 : 11

チェックイン / チェックアウト

    • チェックイン開始 : 15:00
    • 最低チェックイン年齢 : 18 歳
    • チェックアウト時刻 : 11:00


    • この施設にはフロントデスクがありません
    • チェックインは、施設とは異なる場所 (262 Calle Sol Old San Juan) でお手続きください
    • 事前に宿泊施設にご連絡のうえ、チェックインの手順をご確認ください。専用の入り口から入ることができます
    • 24 時間前までに施設にご連絡の上、チェックインをご手配ください。連絡先は予約確認通知に記載されています


    • クレジットカード、デビットカードまたは現金による付随費用のお支払いが必要です
    • 場合により、政府発行の写真付き身分証明書をご提示いただく必要があります
    • チェックイン可能な最低年齢 : 18 歳


    • ペットおよび介助動物の同伴不可


    • 共用エリアの無料 WiFi
    • 室内での無料 WiFi (通信速度 : 100 Mbps 以上 (1 ~ 2 人向け、6 台まで接続可))


    • 敷地内に駐車場なし


    • 全館禁煙



  • 朝食 (オーダー形式、毎朝 8:00 ~ 11:00、有料)


  • 自転車レンタル (近隣)
  • スクーター / モペッド レンタル (近隣)
  • スカイダイビング (近隣)


  • コンシェルジュ サービス
  • 荷物保管サービス


  • 上階への移動は階段のみ



  • 20 インチの薄型テレビ
  • ケーブル放送


  • 冷房 (温度調節可)
  • アイロン / アイロン台

寝具 / サービス

  • 遮光カーテン
  • 備え付けのシーツ類

客室の設備 / サービス

  • 客室ごとに異なるインテリアと装飾
  • 独立したダイニングスペース
  • 独立した応接スペース

バスルーム設備 / バスアメニティ

  • 専用バスルーム
  • シャワーのみ
  • 石鹸とシャンプー
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • タオル
  • トイレットペーパー


  • ノートパソコン用作業スペース
  • WiFi (無料) (通信速度 : 100 Mbps 以上 (1 ~ 2 人向け、6 台まで接続可))


  • 冷蔵庫
  • 電子レンジ
  • ペーパータオル


  • 客室清掃 (1 度の滞在につき 1 回)

手数料 & ポリシー


  • 朝食 (オーダー形式の朝食) は追加料金でお召し上がりいただけます (概算料金 : 大人 15 ~ 25 USD、子供 10 ~ 20 USD


利用可能なクレジットカード : Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Discover


La Capitana Old San Juan Hotel
La Capitana Old San Juan San Juan
La Capitana Old San Juan Hotel San Juan


ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンの予約を無料でキャンセルして、全額返金を受けられますか ?

はい。ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンは、チェックイン日の数日前までにキャンセルした場合に全額返金可能な料金プランを提供しており、弊社サイトでご予約いただけます。宿泊施設のキャンセルポリシーで利用規約の詳細をご覧ください。

ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンはペットと宿泊できますか ?


ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンに駐車場はありますか ?

申し訳ございませんが、ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンに駐車場はありません。

ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンのチェックインとチェックアウトの時刻を教えてください。

チェックイン開始は 15:00 です。チェックアウト時刻は、11:00です。

ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンの施設内にカジノはありますか ?

いいえ、このホテルにカジノはありませんが、近隣にシェラトン カジノ (車で 5 分) とカジノ デル マール アット ラ コンチャ リゾート (車で 7 分) があります。

ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンと近隣では何を楽しめますか ?


ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンはどのようなエリアにありますか ?

ラ キャピタナ オールド サン ファンはサンファン旧市街にあり、サン フアン港から徒歩で 10 分、Puerta de San Juan (サンファン門)から徒歩で 11 分ほどです。

La Capitana Old San Juanの口コミ















2/10 (不満)

Not as advertised
There small apartment with a king size bed, I originally booked two beds, sofa bed had no sheets, I had to call the from desk that by the way was a few blocks away, no bathroom amenities and bedbugs bite me during my stay there. I have bites all over my body. I was really excited to stay in san juan city center but this was an unpleasant stay.
Paola、2 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

A literal stones throw from San Cristobal!!
I rented this apartment on accident, and I couldn’t be more pleased. The place was amazing. It was so close to San Cristobal, and just a short walk to Del Morro. You won’t be disappointed.
Marco、2 泊旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

When we checked in, our property we rented 6 months ago and verified two days before we were told had water damage and the balcony needed repair, so they put us in the hotel there on property, at no time was I offered any compensation, I was told this space they put us in was more expensive than the ocean front apartment. I feel as though many problems could be overlooked by waking up and at least looking at the ocean. Let me just say the staff was very helpful with questions and problems, I know it isn't their fault, but the hotel was running off of generator for two days and we were on the third floor, so the elevator did not work. The ice machine in the fridge was not working, dishwasher not working, the showers have no pressure and there was enough hair in the sink drain that you could make a wig. We stayed for 4 nights and all in all we were safe, the area is residential with a couple bars and nice resturant on the same street. Just feel as though they should have in some way compensated for the loss of scenery that we did not get to experience.
Marc、4 泊の家族旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Property is far from the hotel and on third floor with no elevator. Appointment is not clean. Only one pair of keys, but it is 2 keyed doors on entrance to stairs and in apartment so if one person needs to go another one should go with him to open gate and after that come back on third floor On nerow and high stairs Only 2 bath towels and amenities not clean
Grigoriy、3 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

I paid a fee for housekeeping which I did not get the entire tiemmI was there which was 3 days. we were 4 people in total and one toilet paper is crazy for 3 day stay. The staff had me walking for about an hour and a half to do my check in despite the fact that I told them I was lost and couldn't find the place where they said the check in is supposed to happen. I arrived at 4. Walking up and down then steep streets of san juan looking for the other hotel that was located in the back of the same building i was supposed to be staying at. Service was terrible. The only good thing was the view. The bathrooms were dirty and very small. I will not recommend it and I won't ever stay here.
Bryan、3 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Cesar Martin、3 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Lugar muy sucio, sin ventanas, oscuridad total, hormigas por todas partes, el agua no funciona bien, muchisimo calor, el aire acondicionado pierde agua continuamente y hace muchisimo ruido, ademas esta solo en una zona de una habitacion, las llaves hay que ir a buscarlas a otro lugar, la puerta de entrada esta rota y no es seguro. No lo recomiendo en absoluto.
2 泊の友人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Emily、3 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

I had booked this property because our flight had got cancelled and we had to stay an extra 3 days. it was the cheapest so i wasnt expecting nothing fancy. u have 2 get your key from one location nd then walk to the apartment building. the hallways r very thin so if youre wideset it would be hard to go up the stairs. i had reserved the ocean view room. everything was put up but the floors were not mopped. i could not walk barefoot or my feet would turn black. there was dirt everywhere. the wifi did not work but we had service so it wasnt an issue for us. the tv was connected to the wifi but would go in and out so we had to unplug it multiple times to get it to stream. the stove was very old and only 2 burners worked. the room with the ocean view was very hot but if you kept the door open and the outside door closed at night it could get cold. the view was beautiful... we loved sitting outside nd looking at the water. and the location was in old san juan so everything we needed was in walkable distance. laundromat/grocery store/ and other shops. like i said... this was a last minute booking so i wasnt expecting nothing spectacular but the view and location made up for it and we still made it work.
Amber、3 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Location was perfect right in the heart. I didn’t complain while staying there but omg paint chips kept falling from ceilings, bathroom shower poles kept falling down and hair everywhere in bathroom. Tile floor in bathroom very dirty. The bathroom was the grossest. The place didn’t feel at all clean sofa was stained dirty… like I said the location perfect but my God the place needs upkeep and super dirty. Not what it looks like in pics. Sorry but not sorry.
Lisette、4 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

ruddy、2 泊旅行
Travelocity を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Prime location awful property (Zen studio) This hotel is located in a great area. Unfortunately, there were many issues that made our stay very uncomfortable and unsafe. You will walk into a spacious loft with no air conditioned in the living room, just the bedroom. The bathroom shower is very tiny, the water faucets and the shower curtain are broken and filthy. The front door lock doesn’t work we were afraid someone would break in. The list goes on and on…The owner should provide the basic amenities like towels, paper towels for the kitchen and some guest information of the location, WiFi, places of interests etc. This studio needs to be renovated, just look at the pictures. Also, this place was not clean. When a customer books a hotel should have some basic comfort without requesting it.
Adriana、4 泊の恋人との旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Erasmo、4 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Parking not great if you rent a car. AC is cold. Bed is comfortable. Location so good. View is spectacular!
Jason、4 泊の家族旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Great location. This is the second time we stay here an d you can’t beat the price
Maria、2 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

A lot of the negative reviews stem from the fact that people do not thoroughly read prior to booking. The listing definitely states that not only is the property address a different location from the check-in location, but it’s only stair assessable. Checking in was easy and the property was only about 2- 2 1/2 blocks away 4min walk! I had the Ocean View room and was met w| nice AC upon walking in and the view is absolutely beautiful! Walking distance from just about anything perfect location! Now there were some downs, such as I did not receive check in instructions until 12AM the day of travel after being told I’d get them the day before, both checking in and out no one was at the front desk I was saying hello with no response someone came about 7mins after. The walls of the property and rooms look much older than the pictures used for the listing. The painting doesn’t look fresh, some cracks and water bubble damage which is why people are saying it isn’t clean. The Wi-Fi also didn’t work. With the property being on sort of a main road if you’re a light sleeper the vehicles and loud larger groups of people having conversations passing by will wake you. The Wi-Fi also did not work. If you’re looking for something modern and have health issues with getting up and down stairs and are a light sleeper I wouldn’t recommend for you. For a solo traveler, couple or group of 4 on a budget I’d defn recommend! I really do believe once they take the time renovate the place it’ll be one
Ashley、3 泊の恋人との旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

I wouldn't recommend this room to anyone. First you have to go to another hotel to get the key. After I had to walk down several blocks to get to my room. The suite was up 3 flights of narrow steps and when I finally got into the room I was met by a Hot and Humid living room and a fan. The shower is small and not clean. The shower curtain was filthy and tattered in that tiny excuse of a bathroom. Not to mention the tv had 0 channels and everynight there were various noises coming from residents that live there full time. I recorded some of the noises after the 2nd night. Water damage on most of the walls that were badly covered up that just made the stains more noticeable. This site needs some serious renovations before they even consider to rent it out again. 0 out 10 recommendation.
Ashley、5 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

10/10 (最高に素晴らしい)

Awesome location beautiful views from the balcony
jamie、2 泊の家族旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Old San Juan
The stay started off poorly because the hotel does not have a drop off section and you have to check in two blocks away. This was not communicated to us. The room was good sized with a LR, Kitchen, and BR. The ceiling fan in the LR didn't work but the one in the BR did. The bed was a comfortable King. The windows were metal slats that gapped and allowed in a fair amount of sound. There was a rain storm one day and the roof in the bathroom leaked. There was a puddle of water in the bathroom. This was made all the worse because there were only two towels in the whole place. We needed those for showers. Also no wash clothes.
Jean、5 泊旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

Good but needs a lot of improvement.
Mixed experience. I can split this in two. The good the view is amazing and the location is premium in Old San Juan. The not so good, the mattresses are uncomfortable and old, one of them have a dip that’s very noticeable. The furniture is old. When I checked in the host at the hotel told me “the view is amazing, unless it rains, the. It’s not so much. So, it did rain overnight ñ, I left the windows half open and when I woke up in the morning I had water all the way into the kitchen. The bathroom is very small which I don’t mind much, but the sink is so small that you make a mess when you are brushing your teeth. Also no elevators, and a leak by the balcony door.
This is the view from the bed closer to the balcony.
View from the balcony in the afternoon.
Pedro、2 泊旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

8/10 (とても良い)

Great Value for budget savvy seasoned travelers
The view and location are amazing like most others have noted, and the beds are very comfortable. The place is older and could use some TLC, but it is very clean and comfortable with an excellent mini split AC unit, ceiling fans/wall fans. Acessibility - Two large steps to enter through heavy metal gate, then there are two flights of narrow stairs, then 15 feet hallway and across a small open patio, a short walkway. and two steps up to reach The Balcony Apartment. It was no problem as we are active, youngish and healthy. though, if you have a physical disability, an aging travel companion, or are generally very inactive, this would probably not be the best choice. Especially as parking is hard to come by and nearest parking garage is about 4-5 blocks away. The kitchen while aged, (as is most of the furnishings) and clearly effected by being in a tropical environment has everything needed and nice quality of utensils/pans etc., and is super clean and in good working order. Mostly quiet except on weekend nights when cars (with the bass up lol)seem to cruise the narrow street between the building and the San Cristobal Park across the street (above the ocean). Even so, it was quiet by midnight. and not disruptive to our hanging out or sleeping. Overall an excellent spot for the money, if you do not require lavish accommodations. If you expect a Hilton or boutique place, probably not for you. I would totally stay here again. A great location, view and value.
Kim、2 泊の友人との旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

6/10 (良い)

We liked the convenience of walking around Old San Juan and dining around the area too. We liked the view very much. The building is old and needs updates on windows, doors which are not very secure, and bathroom is outdated and tiny. Also, we suggest disclosing the fact that the building has no elevator as we are older and had to carry our luggage up to the 3rd floor on a very narrow and deeply inclined staircase.
Eve、2 泊の恋人との旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

2/10 (不満)

Expedia, I contacted many times and no response. We booked La Caitana old San Juan hotel for 2/19 and 2/20. The owner refuse check us in and keeping told us that we have to leave, we are on the wrong address. She send us to 3different addresses until my kids can’t walk anymore. I also asked police to confirm the hotel address which lead us back to the same place. The owner is hiding from us and clean guy does not speak English. We have to find another hotel After two more hours arguments. Expedia, give me money back and I will not have a business with u anymore. Btw, I also complain to BBB and all social media bc what u did
Lei、2 泊の家族旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

tatiana、2 泊旅行
Expedia を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ

4/10 (まあまあ)

Annmarie、3 泊の家族旅行
Hotels.com を利用した宿泊者限定の口コミ